Conference and colloquium "Taxes, military spending and fiscal objection"
By Juan Carlos Rois, lawyer, insubmise and antimilitarist activist.
Wednesday 10 May 2023 at 19:00.
At the bookshop La Repartidora

Reverend Rafael Tramoyeres Street, 8.
Benimaclet (València), 46020.

Spain's military spending has reached extraordinary figures. In 2023 it will be much more than the official budget of the Ministry of Defence. And this alone is already 13,161 million euros. An unprecedented increase compared to 2022, representing 1.2% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). But when accounting for hidden items in other ministries that are also military spending (even with the criteria of international organisations such as the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), the real figure is multiplied by more than three. This has led Juan Carlos Rois to describe the current government as "the most militaristic in history".

Juan Carlos Rois, insumiso, lawyer, defender of a large number of conscientious objectors and insumisos during the years of the struggle for the recognition of conscientious objection and the campaign of insubordination, is also a renowned researcher of militarism in Spain. In this conference he will reveal the real figures of the state's military expenditure, its composition and the concealment with which this data is handled by the governmental authorities. The reasons for the spectacular increase in military spending go far beyond the demands of NATO.

Rois has been a member of the collective Utopía Contagiosa, which has published books such as "Política noviolenta y lucha social. Alternativa noviolenta a la defensa militar" (Nonviolent politics and social struggle. Nonviolent alternative to military defence.), Madrid 2012, published by Libros en Acción, the publishing house of Ecologistas en Acción. He has also written numerous studies and articles on military spending, military missions abroad and armament.