The current education law insistently proposes "the promotion of a critical spirit and the culture of peace and nonviolence". Education is an essential part of the process of socialisation of people. During childhood, the knowledge, tools, values and behavioural models needed to live in society are acquired.
Building a peaceful, just and caring society and world requires the promotion, especially among young people, of positive values such as tolerance, humility, peace, solidarity, empathy, respect, responsibility..., and, at the same time, the rejection of others such as authoritarianism, arrogance, blind obedience, violence, the exaltation of force..., which pervert human relations and give way to patriarchy, militarism, war, xenophobia, male chauvinism, racism, homophobia...
We call on the entire educational community: students, teachers, parents... to make a continuous effort to promote education for peace, equality and solidarity in our schools and, in general, throughout society, as a means of promoting a better future for humanity, without war, with social justice and without exclusionary ideologies.
Consequently, we denounce and reject the militaristic indoctrination presented at the "Children and Youth Fair (Expojove)" with the exhibition and glorification of the army and its material for war disguised as an innocuous and fun game.
Because: War is not a game and weapons do not educate....
Get the army out of "Expojove"!